Diana Potter
Prana Flow & Inner Calm Instructor
Every time you step on your yoga mat it’s a different journey. I first stepped onto a yoga mat 12 years ago and my life forever changed. That first class challenged me in all sorts of ways, and I was hooked. I immediately started taking a class once a week. That weekly practice of stepping onto the mat changed my everyday life. I found more patience, serenity, compassion, and mindfulness. With the yoga classes, I began to love myself more and found myself being more present in day-to-day things. My personal practice still has me showing up to my mat 3 to 4 days a week, but these days some of my favorite journeys are those I share with my students. Teaching has allowed me to share the practice that I love along with others. When I am able to instill confidence in my students and they surprise themselves with their strength, both physically and mentally, or have a rewarding class learning something new about themselves it fulfills me and I know I have succeeded as their teacher.